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COVID-19 Prevention Measures for Foreign Students in the Department of Electrical/Communications Engineering


National Chung Cheng University     Oct. 30th, 2020
COVID-19 Prevention Measures for Foreign Students in the Department of Electrical/Communications Engineering

  1. Every foreign student arriving at Taiwan is required to stay at a quarantine hotel for 14-day home quarantine. As the quarantine period ends, the student takes an epidemic control taxi to the hospital for the first-time COVID-19 inspection.
  2. Being COVID-19 tested negative, the student enters the period of Self-Health Monitoring (SHM). The SHM period is currently 7 days long, and is subject to change according to the university policy.
  3. On every single day of the SHM period, the departmental officers and academic advisors to the foreign students have to trace each foreign student’s health condition. Students are NOT allowed to show up in the classrooms, laboratories, and other departmental areas. Teachers can provide class lectures online, off-line, or in other forms to foreign students.
  4. Before the SHM ends, the Department needs to arrange the second-time COVID-19 inspection.
  5. Even the SHM ends, students are still suggested wearing face masks on campus for a period requested by their advisors. When taking classes, students are suggested to take corner seats, and keep at a distance greater than 1.5m from the other students. There is a specific laboratory space allocated by the Department for the students to study during this period. If the student is in good health, he/she may return to the advisor’s laboratory.
  6. It is demanded that the outcomes of two COVID-19 inspections for each student are negative. The fees of the first-time and second-time inspections for each new foreign student are paid by the advisor and Department, respectively. However, each old foreign student is responsible for the fees of two inspections, which might be partially or Not supported by her or his advisor.
  7. The above-mentioned epidemic prevention measures will be adjusted in accordance with government regulations and CCU guidelines. Appropriate measures will be updated based on the agreement between the Department and students’ advisors.
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